Monday, August 24, 2009

Welcome To The Official Blog For WSUD-AM Radio & TV

Welcome to the home of what one could say is a reinvention of the wheel as it were.

With soap operas quickly dying out on TV & soap operas having long since died out on radio, there really hasn't been a good place for one to turn to for not just average soap operas, but REALLY GOOD soap operas.

At least not till now.

Welcome to WSUD-AM Radio & WSUD Television. WSUD-AM Radio will be (Once it's put online) the flagship station of the Soap Suds Radio Network. WSUD-TV is the flagship station of the Soap Suds Television Network (It is already online & is powered by our friends at LiveStream).

You can either watch the station via the viewer at the right or simply by clicking here.

This is the station news & updates blog for both stations, which will be text based. But plans call for more than that. Once both stations are online, plans call for episodes to be podcast using seperate podcasts (One for WSUD-AM Radio & the other for WSUD-TV).

It should be pointed out that ALL shows on WSUD-AM Radio & WSUD-TV are believed to be IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. These soap operas (And, in some cases, their original commercials) are downloaded from The Internet Archive's Old Time Radio Section & (In the case of the TV soap operas) YouTube. You will also find some stuff on the Internet Archive as well. Just enter in the keywords "soap opera" (Or any derivative of those words). Once the files are downloaded, they are converted into MP3 audio & Flash video formats for broadcast.

If you happen to hold any copyrights to any program aired on WSUD-AM Radio and/or WSUD-TV (Or are a LEGALLY RECOGNIZED reprensentative of said copyrigt holder) AND CAN PROVIDE PHYSICAL PROOF OF EXISTING, ACTIVE COPYRIGHT, the offending material will be removed fromn the offending station.

To contact me, click on te EMAIL LINK to the right or click here to send off an email.

One statement of caution though, I **DO NOT NOR WILL NOT** respond to mere baseless, idle threats of legal action. So don't even bother sending me anything if this is what you plan to send.

Having said all that - Again welcome & ENJOY

1 comment:

  1. Are you still broadcasting on Live 365? I really wish you could air somewhere my computer can pick it up instead of having to download a new flash player. I am a student and have a school computer in my room and am not allowed to download any thing not school related. I usually listen for several hours a day after classes and schoolwork. Please contact me at
    Thanking you in advance
